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The List component is a layout component that arranges its children into a list. Each child is given an equal amount of space. An optional icon can be displayed next to each child.


Pearl UI provides three list-related components for different use cases:

  1. List: This is a layout component that arranges its children into a list. Each child is given an equal amount of space. An optional icon can be displayed next to each child.
  2. OrderedList: This is a component that arranges its children into a numbered list.
  3. UnorderedList: This is a component that arranges its children into a bulleted list.
import { List, OrderedList, UnorderedList } from "pearl-ui";


The List component can be used to display any list within your application. Here's an example:

<List>  <Text>Item 1</Text>  <Text>Item 2</Text>  <Text>Item 3</Text></List>

List with Icons#

The List component comes with a renderIcon prop that allows you to display an icon next to each child. You can pass a function that returns a React element to renderIcon. The function receives the index of the child as an argument.

<List  renderIcon={() => (    <Icon      mt="0.75"      size="xs"      iconName="star"      iconFamily="AntDesign"      color="primary.500"    />  )}>  <Text variant="p3">First Item</Text>  <Text variant="p3">Second Item</Text>  <Text variant="p3">Third Item</Text>  <Text variant="p3">Fourth Item</Text>  <Text variant="p3">Fifth Item</Text></List>

Ordered List#

The OrderedList component can be used to display a numbered list within your application. Here's an example:

<OrderedList>  <Text>Item 1</Text>  <Text>Item 2</Text>  <Text>Item 3</Text></OrderedList>

Unordered List#

The UnorderedList component can be used to display a bulleted list within your application. Here's an example:

<UnorderedList>  <Text>Item 1</Text>  <Text>Item 2</Text>  <Text>Item 3</Text></UnorderedList>


Component Properties#

Supported Style Properties#

The List component is built upon the Stack component, and as such, it inherits all the properties related to Stack.

Additional Properties#

sizeNoPearlTheme.components.List["sizes"]Determines the size of the list.
variantNoPearlTheme.components.List["variants"]Determines the variant of the list.
renderIconNo(index: number) => React.ReactElementFunction that returns a React element to be displayed as an icon next to each child. The function receives the index of the child as an argument.